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Campus Policies

Parking and Driving

All Texas traffic laws and regulations are enforced on the roadways and parking areas of the College District campuses and properties throughout the District. Campus Police routinely patrol these areas to prevent crime from occurring and to keep the roadways safe for students, staff, faculty and community members. Drivers can be fined and vehicles may be towed at owners expense for violations of traffic laws.


Parking permits are required by all Faculty, Staff and Students, and can be picked up free of charge at any student life office on any campus.


Parking at Collin College sites is provided at no charge to students. Students should adhere to the following parking regulations:

  • Disabled parking is available only for vehicles with state approval. This parking is monitored by campus Police and no exceptions can be authorized by the college. Unauthorized vehicles can be fined in accordance with state and federal laws.
  • Vehicles parked in any area other than a designated parking space or lot may be towed at the owners expense. For information regarding towed vehicles, contact campus police.
  • Collin College @ Allen stickers are required. Please see staff for a parking permit.
  • Parking at the Higher Education Center (CHEC) requires a parking permit and can be picked up the police office.
  • Parking at Century Court Apartments is reserved for residents and their guests only. Guests must go to the community office located in the clubhouse to obtain a temporary permit or call 972-509-0247. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the owners expense.



Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances

In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, the Collin County Community College District and Century Court Apartments forbids the unlawful delivery, possession, manufacture, sale, purchase, use or distribution of any illegal controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, steroids, inhalants and the illegal use of over the counter or prescription medications.


In addition Collin College prohibits smoking and the use of all tobacco products in college buildings. Violators may be subject to citations and disciplinary actions as this violates the student code of conduct. Students seeking assistance or educational materials about alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other substances should contact Counseling services.


Collin College's Student of Code of Conduct concerning alcohol and drugs is available in the current Student Handbook.



Commendation and Complaint Procedures

Just as we recognize that conflicts between citizens and officers or employees arise, we also realize that there are times when employees go above and beyond the call of duty. Law enforcement officers and employees, like everyone else, appreciate when their good deeds are noticed. Too often officers are remembered only for the citations they issue or the arrests made and not the thousands of helping hands they extend.


Complaint Procedures

The complaint process is designed to deal with each case factually and fairly. Citizens who file complaints are treated respectfully and their accusations are taken seriously. All complaints are investigated thoroughly, and findings are based on impartial evidence gained during the investigation.


However, many complaints can be explained satisfactorily by a visit or telephone call to the Officer's supervisor. The supervisor will talk with you about your complaint and try to resolve the complaint.


The Command Staff is usually available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to discuss your complaint about any member of the department.


There are two types of complaints.

  • The first and most serious would be a violation of the law or other serious allegation.
  • The second type of complaint includes allegations of a less serious nature and may concern violation of department policy.

The government code of the State of Texas requires that in order for a complaint to be filed against a law enforcement officer in the State of Texas to be considered by the Chief of Police, the complaint must be placed in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. A copy of the signed complaint must be presented to the affected officer or employee within a reasonable amount of time after the complaint is filed and before and disciplinary action may be taken against the affected officer or employee. (Sec. 614.022-023)


Complainants who have current criminal or traffic charges pending should be aware that the internal review process deals solely with the department matters and the conduct of agency employees. Regardless of the outcome of an internal investigation existing criminal or traffic charges must be dealt with through the proper courts.



Sex Offender Registration

In compliance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (section 1601 of Public Law 106-386), and the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, any convicted sex offender who is a student, employee, or an individual who frequents Collin, must register with Collin College Police Department upon arrival. To register, contact an officer at 972-578-5555. Information regarding registered sex offenders at Collin College may be obtained from Collin College Police Department at 972-578-5555.



Criminal Trespass Appeal Forms

Texas Penal Code 30.05 defines Criminal Trespass as any person who enters or remains on or in property of another without effective consent and had received notice that the entry was forbidden, or received notice to depart but failed to do so. "Entry" means the intrusion of the entire body and "Notice" means the oral or written communication by the owner or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner.


An offense of Criminal Trespass is a Class B misdemeanor, except if the offense is committed in a habitation or shelter or the actor carries a deadly weapon on or about person during the commission of the offense, then it is a Class A misdemeanor.


If you are warned off Collin College properties for any reason by a Collin College Police Officer by being issued a Criminal Trespass Warning then you have the right to appeal that decision.

Criminal Trespass Appeal Form for Non-Students



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